It is with overwhelming sadness that we must share that Ashley Hyon has passed away.
Ashley Hyon was the Vice President of Research & Survey Methods. Since the late 1990’s she has been a key voice at Marketing Systems Group and a core part of our fabric. An irreplaceable pillar of the MSG family.
She had graduated with a Dual Major BBA in Marketing and International Business from Temple University and later completed her Masters in Survey Research at University of Connecticut.
Ashley joined us in June 1997 as a Production Assistant working on Genesys sampling projects. Over the years she moved up through the company to become an Account Executive, eventually focusing in the Academic and Social Sciences arena as our VP of Research and Survey Methods. Here she shined, building a strong reputation as a source of knowledge and a willing ear to discuss ideas. She constantly strove to educate herself in the latest methodologies and sampling techniques. Ashley loved what she did, and it showed.
Co-workers often dropped by her office for seasoned counsel and solace, which are exactly the reasons why her clients would seek her out. She was a natural mentor and educator. Many at MSG gained a deeper understanding of sampling just from working with Ashley. People skills and the ability to see good in everything and everyone are innate qualities that are not acquirable by reading books or even getting older – you either have it, or you don’t.
We mourn with her husband John and wonderful daughter Sophie. Words can't express our sadness from her departure or our gratitude for having had Ashley as a part of our family. We will continue to honor her memory by dedicating ourselves to continuing her efforts in the research and survey methods that she loved so much.
She was not a drop in the ocean, she was the entire ocean in a drop.